A Family-Owned, Historic Hotel Serving Tucson Since 1930
The Arizona Inn has been family owned and operated since its creation in 1930 by Isabella Greenway, Arizona's first congresswoman and lifelong friend of Eleanor Roosevelt.
Before the Inn there was "The Arizona Hut", a philanthropic furniture shop created by Isabella in order to offer good employment to disabled World War I veterans convalescing in Tucson at the time. When The Hut ran into financial trouble following the stock market crash of 1929, Isabella rose to the occasion by building the Arizona Inn, partly as a way to create demand for the fine Hut furniture and thus preserve the veterans' jobs there. The plan worked, and original Arizona Hut furniture can be found all around the Arizona Inn to this day, maintained and cared for by the Inn's own on-site carpentry shop.
Having achieved designation on the National Register of Historic Places in 1988, the Arizona Inn stands today as a landmark hotel in Tucson. The Inn's sincere commitment to kindness, civility, and hospitality has been passed down through five generations of family stewardship, as Isabella Greenway's son, and then her granddaughter, and then her great-grandson, and now her great-great grandson and greet-great granddaughter have overseen the loving care, renovation and restoration of the Inn's beautiful buildings and grounds for almost a century.
Guests today find that the Inn continues to fulfill Isabella Greenway's long ago opening night promise of "privacy, quiet, and sunshine" for all her guests.
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